How to create a account : step by step

Thank you for your interest in property thailand tv. We will explain how to create your account in order to start posting your property on our site.

1 – When you are on the home page, click on the button at the top right :

2 – Click on “register” and enter your information

Note : The username you choose will be visible to everyone.

Then click on the validation button.

You will receive a confirmation email to the email address you used to create your account. You must validate your account by following the instructions in the email.

Add your first property

Now that your account has been created, you need to choose the membership that best suits your needs. We currently have 3 offers: 1 free and 2 paid.

To choose an offer, click on your profile, then “My membership”. You’ll then come to this page:

Choose your offer and follow the steps.

NOTE: Once you have chosen your offer, it will not be activated directly. Our team must approve your new membership status. Please wait while we validate your purchase. We’ll do our best to actuate your offer as quickly as possible, and you will receive an e-mail when your membership is officially active.

When your account is officially active, return to the homepage. A new option will appear, as in the image below:

Click “submit” to add your first property.

You can now add your property. Please contact us if you encounter any difficulties.